For all the running geeks who find this stuff interesting

My running goal for Chicago is a personal best time of 4:30! Not fast for many of you, but I will have to train hard, stay healthy and pray for good weather if I'm going to finish in that kind of time.

Feel free to provide comments and suggestions re my training. I can use all the help I can get.

To sponsor me, please go to my TNT fundraising page.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 9

Total distance run this week: 44.9 km
Number of runs: 4
Runs at tempo pace: 1 (6 km)
Runs at race pace: 1 (8 km)
Hills: 6 x 300m
Longest run: 23.1 km
Other activities: 22 km cycling; yoga
Total training time: 7:00

A good -- though tough -- week of training. My 5km "recovery" run on Monday turned into an 8km at race pace. Hills on Wednesday felt great, but then I ran my tempo run on Friday too fast, causing my right leg and hip to tighten up yesterday. I tried stretching them out last night, but they were still so tight and sore this morning that I had to stop several times to stretch during my long run.

On the upside, it was another perfect weekend for running -- 20 degrees and breezy when I headed out today, and my energy level was good for the whole 23 km despite the discomfort. When I got home, I took a little extra time to stretch properly and my hip seems to be feeling better now, though some ice and ibuprofen may be in order for my knee later. In the coming week, I'll try not to push quite so hard on my runs, and focus a little more on stretching and cross-training.

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