For all the running geeks who find this stuff interesting

My running goal for Chicago is a personal best time of 4:30! Not fast for many of you, but I will have to train hard, stay healthy and pray for good weather if I'm going to finish in that kind of time.

Feel free to provide comments and suggestions re my training. I can use all the help I can get.

To sponsor me, please go to my TNT fundraising page.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weeks 18 and 19

Total distance run: 16.5 km & 39.3km
Number of runs: 2 & 3
Long run: 24km
Other activities: walking
Total training time: 7:50

If you’ve been following this blog, then you know I’ve kept faithfully to my training schedule all summer. Unfortunately – and perhaps predictably – I hit a bit of a rough patch the week before last when I caught a nasty cold while home in Nova Scotia on vacation. Though the cold didn’t last all that long, it kept me off the roads for several days and prevented me from completing one last 30km run as planned.

My coaches assured me that, since I had trained so faithfully and already run 4 really long runs of 29-36kms, missing that run was unlikely to affect my performance on race day. However, they also encouraged me to run one shorter “long” run last week when and if I felt well enough.

By Wednesday, the 23rd, I was feeling up to it so completed a 24km run along some of my favourite roads and beaches on Nova Scotia’s beautiful South Shore. It was a perfect day for it – breezy, overcast and cool – so I had a fabulous run. My right foot, which had been acting up for a couple of weeks, gave me no trouble, and the scenery was breathtaking the whole way. By the time I returned to the cottage, I felt strong, relaxed and completely ready for Chicago.

This coming week, with less than two weeks until race day, I’m not planning any heavy training. Between being sick and trying to cram in too much visiting and other stuff, my vacation wasn’t as restful as I’d hoped – so I’ll mostly focus on eating and sleeping as well as I can to try to ensure I am properly fuelled, rested and ready to run by the time I hit Chicago. I do, however, hope to run a few shorter runs of 10 and 12kms before now and next Sunday. With everyone around me sick, the biggest challenge may be staying healthy until race day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 17

Total distance run this week: 47km
Number of runs: 4
Runs at race pace: 1 (12km)
Long run: 20km
Other activities: cycling (18km), swimming
Total training time: 7:30

As planned, I cut my mileage a lot this week but it still felt like a tough week of training -- I suppose because I was tired after my 36km last weekend and frantically busy getting ready to go on vacation. To make matters worse, I spent two days out of town attending a retreat for work.

On the upside, I did my 12km run along a waterfront trail in Cornwall, Ontario on Thursday evening. Though it was hot and humid, it felt great to be outside after a full day of workshops, and the views along the St. Lawrence River were lovely.

I tackled my 20km run a day early (Saturday) so that I could be in the car and en route to Quebec City that afternoon. I wish I could say it felt great, but it didn't. The last weeks of hard training have definitely taken a toll. My legs felt like lead throughout. However, I'm hopeful the next week or two of R&R, coupled with some solid training, will enable me to start my taper feeling upbeat about my chances to run the "personal best" for which I've trained so hard.

My last run of the week was in Fredericton. Though it was raining hard when we finally got in last evening, I immediately laced up my shoes and headed out for a run along the Saint John River. The city is in the process of developing trails along both sides of the river. The highpoint was a foot bridge across the river that provides wonderful views of both the river and the city itself.

The coming week promises to be full of such beautiful runs. I'm in Charlottetown for a few days so plan to head out for my last speed session tomorrow, and hope to find time for one other run while I'm here too. Friday or Saturday, I'd like to run a favourite trail in Shubie Park (near Halifax). Finally, I'll tackle my last really long run of 30-32km along an old railway bed near my parents' home on Sunday morning.

After that -- TAPER!! I can hardly wait.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 16

Total distance run this week: 67km
Number of runs: 4
Runs at tempo pace: 1 (9km)
Speed training: 1 (4 x 800 m)
Long run: 36km
Other activities: cycling (44km)
Total training time: 10:35

This week marked the peak of my training for Chicago. I not only ran my largest weekly mileage, but the longest run I'm planning before race day. And I'm happy to be able to report that all went well.

I actually enjoyed my speed training on Wednesday evening (once I got going anyway), my pace run on Friday felt relatively easy, and today's long slow run felt pretty darned good (at least until about the 24 km mark). Of course, it helped that the weather was pretty much perfect for running this week -- with lots of sunshine and much cooler temperatures.

That said, it still felt wonderful to get 36km behind me today. My husband, Luke, took this photo when I arrived back at the house just before noon -- tired and achey, but oh so happy to have gotten to this point in my training injury-free.

Fingers and toes crossed that all continues to go well.